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[Level 5]
"Ah! Why hello there! Don't be afraid, dear wanderer! I'm friendly!"
"What's that? Where's your little narrator pal? Oh, they're currently...unavailable. But enough about them, let's talk."
"Now you're probably going to ask who I am. To tell the truth, there really is no answer to that question. Most wanderers refer to me as 'The Beast of Level 5' but I find that title to be rather degrading. I'm no animal, you know."
"Oh, I'm sorry, but you can't leave just yet! I have an offer for you! Run a few little errands for me and I'll release you from this hellish plane of existence.
What do you say~?
Do we have a deal~?"
(You want to know more about my domain? Wonderful! Just go to this address and you'll be told everything you need to know! http://backrooms-wiki.wikidot.com/level-5 )
Comments for "[Level 5]"
License details for "[Level 5]"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- butterfly-wings.mp3 by "yuval from http://freesounds.org +)
- Smooth Jazz by Andrew Hale *)
- Distant Grandfather Clock by Ghostcrafter090 +)
- Small Crowd by JohnsonBrandEditing +)
- Old Elevator (1960s) by LOFerell +)
- Old Rotary Phone Ringing by mycompasstv from http://freesound.org +)
- Vinyl Crackle by Spoiled Coffee +)
*) Soundsnap.com license