- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Dark Basement
It is getting late on a fall night and you decide to take a ride into the country.
Having a weakness for exploration, you stop at a crumbling farm house to nose around.
You've seen the place before, but today you decide to stop.
Several minutes of wandering around the decrepit property makes it clear that no one has lived here for a very long time.
Why not go inside, you say. Getting in the side door is not difficult with all the rotting wood.
Once inside you are on the landing of the basement to kitchen staircase.
Shining a flashlight down the stairs through dust and black air, and against better judgement--you step down to the basement.
Feeling an unseen vibe in the dark you have no fear. A sense of power comes over you, not being afraid of this place.
You walk to the back corner of the darkness and sit down against the brick wall to meditate, bask in the power.
You see an old rocking chair in the shadows as you close your eyes.
Sometime later with bearings mostly lost, you awake from a nap in the dark to sounds of a
creaking rocking chair. Something has changed and the sense of invulneralbility is long gone.
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License details for "Dark Basement"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- creepy background pad by by alextundra - freesound.org +)
- horror choirs by by alextundra - freesound.org +)
- Mortar and Pestle grinding tea by DarkJoker +)
- ambient_wind_howling by Evilface38 +)
- scary amb.2 by http://freesound.org +)
- Creepy Scary Music by Marcus Fjellström +)
- Creaky Chair 1 by ryancacophony from http://freesound.org +)
- Banging in the walls by Square Enix +)