- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Lost Underground
An ice cold droplet of water suddenly awakes you to find a light brightly shining in your eyes. As you gather your senses, you grab the flashlight to look around and try to remember how you got here.
A long dark passageway with walls made of rock, dirt, and roots, leads in both directions. The creatures that inhabit this place can be heard in the distance, but the echos make it difficult to pinpoint which direction.
You consider your options and think it best to stay where you are and wait for help, but then the flashlight begins to flicker... How long have you been down here, how long will the flashlight batteries last, what if no one comes... The cool air and icy water aren’t the only things sending chills down your spine.
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License details for "Lost Underground"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Water Dripping in Cave by https://freesound.org/people/Sclolex/sounds/177958/ +)
- Goblin Cave by https://tabletopaudio.com/ +)
- Ethereal Growling in a Cave by Jaylew1987 from https://freesound.org/ +)
- Bat Cave EFX by Karl Welty +)
- reverberating wood-metal sound by klankbeeld from https://freesound.org +)
- Cave Echo by kreutzkamp from https://freesound.org/ +)
- Water Drops in Canal by Robinhood76 (freesound.org) +)
- water dripping var.2 reverb by soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license