- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Abyss, realm of torment
You knew the stories.
You knew what people said about the ones who died in great pain, sadness and suffering.
The Abyss. The afterlife of the Damned. A place of eternal torment and absolute madness. The so-called birthplace of the nightmarish entities that the stories of ancient times talked about, and that so many people feared.
That's what the old books and the psychics said.
You never really trusted all this, in your lifetime. "Just some bullshit to make children sleep", you thought.
But no matter how wrong you were. You're "there", now.
The pain is insufferable. It's not a physical one, it's... something else. Deeper. You want to scream, with all your lungs... but you don't hear yourself. It's like you don't even have a mouth.
All around you, there's nothing but the emptiness itself, plunged into this painful, red, eternal dusk light.
There's no "up" nor "down". No "left", no "right".
And this cold... Oh, the cold...
You can't even remember how you died. You even doubt that this "life" you sometimes think about was even real. The air itself feels like a liquid. You're both floating and falling, slowly. Terribly slowly.
What are these horrible sounds? Screams? Growls? As for an answer, some distorted figure passes by, quickly. You're not sure of what you just saw, but it looked like it had tentacles for feet, too many arms and maws where there shouldn't be. All of that thing's "skin" was a deep, oily black.
Another scream. That one sounded human. Almost. The echo is ethereal, disturbing. Whoever that was, it clearly shares your pain... or maybe was it just you? You're not even sure anymore.
Another figure. This one is moving slower. It looks like a woman crying... but as she gets closer, you see that her hands seem to be fused into her face, and all of her body is of the same shiny blackness. Fear adds to your suffering. What is this place?
Where are you?
... who are you?
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License details for "The Abyss, realm of torment"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Dark Loop.2 by http://freesound.org +)
- Monster* by http://freesound.org +)
- Zombie Yell by Jaraxe from http://freesound.org +)
- American Werewolf Howl by John Landis +)
- thrilling screams by Mariusz Jasionowicz - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- moaning monks by Sampleconstruct from http://freesound.org +)
- monster var A by soundsnap.com *)
- hurlements homme by universal-soundbank +)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: www.natures-desktop.com