- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Edge of the Parchwood
It doesn't feel like one as the fog rolls in from the Parchwood Forest and the surrounding mountains, but it is. The Briarwoods have come and gone. The de Rolos have done a marvelous job protecting their home and people...
But as fall fades to winter, it's easy to feel as though it sits on the edge of two realities: This one and the next. The dark past hangs over the city like a ghost only the elders remember. People still report shadows darting from alleyway to alleyway, gone before they have the chance to look. The dark and twisted creatures of the forests creep closer and closer as their usual supply of food dies out with the first frosts.
Whitestone is a safe place...
For those who know better than to think that this time of year.
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License details for "The Edge of the Parchwood"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Rocking Chair on Porch by domrodrig +)
- Creepy Ambiance by freesound.org +)
- wind chimes solo by giddster from http://freesound.org +)
- Crow - three times by inchadney +)
- dark bells by RKLawrence +)
- Blowing Wind by Unknown +)
- running footsteps by vmgraw (creative commons 0, public domain, freesound.org) +)