- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
The Eighth Circle
"Below Violence is the eighth circle, Fraud. Truly a dark place where not even angels dare to tread! This wretched, foul pit holds those guilty of deliberate, knowing evil, who used lies and deception for personal gain. This circle is divided into ten ditches and I unwillingly traveled through all of them after mustering enough bravery from within. The ten pits are known collectively as the Malebolge and individually as Bolge, each holding a different type of liar and each with a different form of unspeakable torments! The ten ditches of Fraud are as follows...
Panderers and Seducers are forced to march in separate lines in opposite directions, whipped by demons with there flaming scourges.
Flatters are submerged in demon excrement.
Simonies are placed head-first in holes within stone, with flames burning on the soles of their feet.
Diviners such as sorcerers, astrologers,and false prophets have their heads twisted around on their bodies backward, so that they found it necessary to walk backward, for they could not see ahead of them.
Corrupt politicians are immersed in a lake of boiling pitch, which represents the sticky fingers and dark secrets of their corrupt deals.
Hypocrites are listlessly walking along up a steep hill wearing gilded lead robes, which represents the falsity behind the surface appearance of their actions falsity that weighs them down and makes spiritual progress impossible for them.
Thieves are repeatedly pursued and bitten by snakes and lizards whose poison transforms their bodies into grotesque shapes.
Evil Counselors are eternally set on fire, appearing as nothing more than pillars of flame.
A sword-wielding demon hacks at the sowers of discord, dividing parts of their bodies as in life they divided others. As they make their rounds the wounds heal, only to have the demon tear apart their bodies again.
Falsifiers are infected with various painful diseases and infections.
There upon the entry to the final circle, the Scape Goat Azazel; The Shadow of Lucifer stands guard at the gates. The mindless demon of never ending feral chaos and flooded carnal desire indulge in the company of his thousand wives entrapped within his bloody silk. Azazel with his corpse like bodice reeking with the stench of a thousand open graves! His head adorned in barbed antlers emerald eyes leaking tears of fire! Through him is the passage to the last circle of The Inferno"
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License details for "The Eighth Circle"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Dead Scream by By SynaMax - www.freesound.org +)
- The Big scream.1 by Evilface38 +)
- Torture BG by lolamadeus, vikuserro, stomachache, all from http://freesounds.org +)
- Creepy Doom pad by Mariusz Jasionowicz - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Balrog - 1 by Peter Jackson's LOTR Balrog from Youtube video +)
- Dragon Growl (Far) by Slaking_97 +)
- Medium Fire sc by stratcat322 +)
- Leviathan Breath by Torgeirr +)