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The Study
To whom it may concern,
To the first person who finds this letter,
On the subject of my recent deviancies, I must insist that my actions were not that of my own but the result of a decline in mental faculties; degraded of course by the sudden onset of what could only be described as a severe case of dementia. I will implore you that this is simply not the case but in fact a purely academic conclusion drawn by my late wife's psychiatrist after she herself suffered from a particularly violent form of hysteria, or at least, that's what we were told at the time.
"It's the house, I swear it!" she would proclaim with such veracity that myself and Dr. Frederick Tasslebeck – the said psychiatrist which of course was responsible for the, in my own opinion, ill-informed diagnosis in which she was later institutionalized for – would in fact almost come to consider her claims as truthful based on the maniacal fervor of her proclamations. And while I do understand that her diagnosis – again, rooted squarely in the world of academia – may have been sufficient in the eyes of the law, it by no means took into consideration the more confounding, and deeply disturbing possibilities of the paranormal. There of course would be no institution on earth that would adopt such wildly speculative policies in fear of a sharp decline of credibility, and thus, a sharp decline of grant money, and so no fault should be put upon our dear Dr. Tasslebeck but instead myself and myself alone. Had I only heeded her warnings...
But I assure you, no amount of mental fortitude could possibly have prevented the unfortunate, and dare I say, grisly events that have plagued myself and my family for ninety days and six. And so it is with a heavy heart, that I must end it now while I still have the aptitude of mind to proceed with my grim task. I must silence the voices you see, for they must not be allowed to follow me into whatever after life awaits me. And so it should be a form of decapitation I'm afraid, the final result of which you will discover long before this letter.
If final wishes are to be granted, then I would ask to be buried beside my beloved, with my children, in the Evergreen mortuary on Spooner St. You will find that my father and mother are buried there as well, although it is my utmost desire to keep a fair distance from them. I will not explain further, only, implore those with the appropriate authority to see to this poor soul's final request.
Samuel Hain
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License details for "The Study"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Harmonic Rumble by E.R.H. +)
- waterspout by fotohit foto +)
- Layered Whispering by geogeo0 from http://freesound.org +)
- Scary Background Ambience by http://freesound.org +)
- Creepy Doom pad by Mariusz Jasionowicz - www.raresound.co.uk +)
- Thunder by Soundbible.com +)
- fire 1 by www.soundsnap.com *)
- grandfather clock ticking by Zermoth at https://www.freesound.org/people/Zermonth/sounds/116636/ +)
*) Soundsnap.com license