- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Underground City
It was a city built in the depths of the earth, a city whose people left everything behind, a city that dug too deep. Though it was first discovered in the mid 1600's by a shepherd seeking shelter in the cave that was its peak, nobody had dared to go inside until three days ago.
They were barely teenagers whose voices were still trying to break. They had all the time in the world and that callous disregard for danger that comes with inexperience. They thought they were invincible, the greatest explorers mankind would ever know.
They would only be remembered for the footage of their presumed final moments.
Something would gently dislodge their camera from its harness on their broken head and carry it to the doorstep of the closest police station. Though the journey was clearly captured on film, not a single CCTV screen anywhere in the city managed to capture the mysterious being who brought it there.
The first few minutes of footage are a jumbled mess of awkward adjustments, giggling and an eventual introduction to their late adventure. Much to their surprise the cave wasn't boarded shut, fenced in or otherwise closed off. They all claimed they felt something brush by their feet, the camera shower a dark humanoid blur scuttle by on all fours yet the teens saw nothing and followed it into the city.
It remained a few paces in front of them at all times, head swiveling and snapping like a flag in a hurricane but the teens remained more focused on how dry everything was while they heard running water coming from seemingly every direction.
The camera also picked up everything the creature said. It replied to all of their rhetoric questions (Who do you think lived here? Me, for starters. Why is it so quiet? Because we don't want to alarm you Did you guys bring snacks? There is food further down, everyone will eat) but still, they heard nothing other than running water their own breathing.
With every floor they left, the one beneath seemed in better condition until it looked like people were still living there and they'd just gone out to the shops briefly. It was at this point that other creatures joined the first and the teens were unknowingly herded into a room that was a cross between a stadium and a kitchen.
In unison every creature that had managed to cram itself into the raised seats lifted their arms and began to hurl handfuls of flint in a razor sharp rain. The teens screams echoed like gunshot throughout the "empty" city. As soon as the creatures above stopped throwing stones, the surrounding ones moved in to finish them off with their bare hands.
As brutal as their deaths may seem, they were lucky to have never reached the last floor.
If they had, they might still be alive.
Can't say the same for the rest of the world though.
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License details for "Underground City"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Watery Whispers by charitho from http://freesound.org +)
- Dark ambient by Empty +)
- Infernal Voices Rumbling by Fox Forrester +)
- Graveyard at Night by http://freesound.org +)
- Scary Background Ambience by http://freesound.org +)
- Horror Kids 2 by KlankBeeld from http://www.freesound.org +)
- Cave ambience by Robinhood76 from http://freesound.org +)
- old Castle Background by www.soundsnap.com *)
*) Soundsnap.com license
Image from: https://sandinmysuitcase.com/troglodytes-in-turkeys-tunnels/