- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Witching Hour Woods
A special ambience I made to get you in that spooky Halloween spirit!
"Witching Hour Woods"
A young man recently moved to an old town deep in the country. The town was essentially a highway town without many things to do, but that didn't dull his optimism. The place was rich with local urban legends and rich scenery of nature. There was one particular area at the top of his list to explore, the infamous "Witching Hour Woods" off of Hickory Hollow Lane. Though the locals warned him to steer clear of the malevolent area, his lust for adventure got the better of him. He was determined to hike the winding 12 mile trail that went through the deepest part of the woods. He kissed his girlfriend goodbye and set off for the day to see how much ground he could cover. 72 hours later, they found him...
He remained catatonic for the rest of his years. His grieving girlfriend would never understand the pure horror he stumbled across, amongst the thick dark bramble. The terror that would haunt his mind for years to come. Yet the locals, they knew. They always knew. Never venture into "Witching Hour Woods."
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License details for "Witching Hour Woods"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Great Horned Owl Hooting 2 by *)
- Creepy Humming Lullabye by http://copper-dust.tumblr.com/ +)
- Woman Scream by https://freesound.org/people/viznoman/sounds/267307/ +)
- Spooky Wind 1 by kangaroovindaloo from http://freesound.org +)
- Walking over dead leaves by Nagwense from http://freesound.org +)
- Wind Through Leafs by SoundSnap *)
- Creepy Whispering (female) by spottywot +)
- Deep Monster Growl by uagadugu from http://freesound.org +)
*) Soundsnap.com license